
Hi, I’m Kendra.

I’m a fractional Chief People Officer who works with startups to build strong People Ops and Talent functions. I also selectively take on retained recruiting searches.

I am an author. My first book, Ask Me This Instead: Flip the Interview to Land Your Dream Job is available on Holloway & Amazon. I’m working on my next book .

Connect with me on LinkedIn, where you can find more about my career journey and what I’m working on.

I speak and present on topics related to talent, people ops, career development and the tech community including: My Biggest Lesson: What’s Measured Isn’t Always What Matters; Disrupt HR - It's Time to F the Function ; Denver Startup Week: Empowering Inclusive Teams ; How to Handle Job Interviews as a Hybrid Professional ; Startup Success: Insights on Denver’s Startup Sector ; Like a Real Boss Podcast: The Future of Women @ Work .

Reach out below if you’d like to explore how we can work together!